SpokenWord Ltd provides successful, results driven, bespoke training programmes and executive coaching – fast, dynamic and completely interactive – in all aspects of business persuasion including:
Negotiation Skills
Selling skills
Presentation skills
Communication Skills
Personal Impact, Presence and Persuasion
Leadership and Management Skills
Assertiveness skills
Team and Personal Motivation
In every course or programme, SpokenWord’s training is both contextual and highly interactive so you “learn by doing”. It is the most effective way to change behaviours in adults. There are no Powerpoint slides or seminars as you learn so painfully little from tedious lectures.
All the SpokenWord instructors have extensive international business and commercial experience and are practising, experienced and successful directors and entrepreneurs in their own right.

Our courses and workshops can include all or any of the following:
- Cold Calling for Chickens
- Attitude and Motivation
- Finding new customers
- Separating Prospects from Suspects
- Features
- Benefits and Advantages
- Questioning Techniques
- Objection Handling
- Closing and Advancing
- Keeping in Touch
- Selling to Complex Accounts
- Spotting opportunities
- Exhibition and Trade Show Skills
Three Key Facts
- Most sales courses spend only 1% of their time on the factor that makes 75% of the difference
- Telling isn’t selling your product
- 80% of sales objections are caused by the sales person.
Selling is your company’s most important activity. Without sales, nothing else happens. Once you recognise of the dangers hidden in the classic sales “pitch”, how to avoid the focus on cost and how to create value in the minds of your customers, you’ll beat your targets and get the results you need.
Sales problems tend to be different for nearly every company. Tell us your headaches and we can get rid of them for you.
Call us on +44 (0) 20 3393 5207 or click here to get in touch.
Presentation Skills for Quivering Wrecks
Two Key Facts:
- Public speaking is listed in the Book of Lists as the Number One fear of business people worldwide
- The most successful people in the world are the best communicators. So are you going to continue to hide behind the podium or are you going to make that step towards the audience?
Now is the time for you to overcome the fear and become a good presenter. Learn how to say the right things and do the right things that communicates a clear, effective message that gets you the results you want.
The courses, workshops or coaching sessions cover how to create and structure an effective, informative and concise business presentation which is delivered with the correct impact. It shows you, through contextual learning, how to present a powerful message with confidence and style focusing on the three key elements that makes a good presenter – body language, voice and content. It also deals with the latest techniques to overcome nerves and how to avoid ‘Death by PowerPoint’.
Everyone can learn how to become an effective presenter (no-one is born with these skills) – it’s simply putting the best techniques into practice and avoiding the worst.
Call us on +44 (0) 20 3393 5207 or click here to get in touch.

Our courses and workshops can include all or any of the following:
- The Quivering Wreck’s way to Calm Confidence
- PACCOPEP® and your road to confidence
- ‘Ah…you probably can’t see that at the back’ -avoiding “Death by Slideshow”
- ‘It’s not what you say, it’s the way that you say it’
- Voice and body language
- Attention!
- Techniques for getting the attention of your audience and keeping it
- Using the Clap Trap
- “You’ve got it all wrong” – managing difficult audiences
- Understanding the importance of effective rhetoric – public speaking skills
- Congruence and integrity
- Constructing your arguments
- The journey of the speech
- Crossing the invisible line
- “To be or not to be” – originality
- Storytelling without the fairies
- From Macbeth to the Boardroom – the use of stagecraft
- Theatre sports
- Storyboard techniques

Our courses and workshops can include all or any of the following:
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – recognising the classic mistakes and the corresponding good behaviours and techniques
- Negotiation Preparation
- Planning and Strategy Development
- Manging the Deal Process
- Developing Emotional Intelligence and Communication Skills
- Dealing with Difficult People
- Understanding difficult deal designs and tactics
- Stakeholder Management and multi-party negotiations
- Developing Trust and Rapport
- Cross-Cultural Negotiations
- Creativity and Innovation, Ability to Analyse
- Adapt and Act in changing situations.
Winning Negotiating Techniques and how to get exactly what you want
Are you walking away from the negotiation feeling you’ve given too much? More than you wanted or planned? Feel tricked or bullied? Were you driving the deal or were they driving you? If you’re walking away feeling you’ve lost out, you’re not in control.
There are three key variables you need to control in negotiations:
Power | Information | Time
Once you understand how to control each of these variables, employ the best skills and behaviours, recognise the “ploys and tricks” and know how to plan your strategy and organise your team, you can achieve a successful solution.
The best deal is where both sides feel they have emerged with what they want.SpokenWord’s team has experience in delivering successful Basic, Advanced and Masterclass workshops and programmes in negotiation skills training with a range of international companies in the UK, Europe, the US and Asia.
Call us on +44 (0) 20 3393 5207 or click here to get in touch.
Make sure you’re getting exactly what you want from every negotiation without having to give away too much.
Leaders are followed… Managers rule
What are the fundamental differences between Management and Leadership and why are certain leadership skills are required by you as a manager
Many management training programmes fail to cover the principles of achieving results through other people or deal with how to tailor your management style to the different people in your team. Yes – you know how to delegate. But do you know how to inspire your team members, motivate them and provide them with the correct incentives? How do you approach risk taking and exploring new ways to achieve your objectives?
These management coaching sessions and workshops are designed to develop your management skills and style to deal with diverse and challenging situations, set and define standards of performance for each team member, recognise how to coach, mentor and provide feedback when required, develop, define and communicate your overall vision for the company, your goals and targets and your strategy for achieving the goals.
Call us on +44 (0) 20 3393 5207 or click here to get in touch.

Our courses and workshops can include all or any of the following:
- Assertiveness
- Confidence and impact
- Voice coaching
- Networking Skills
- Meeting Skills
- Creating a good first impression
- Developing your presence
- posture, body language and movement
- Raising your profile
- Influencing and persuading
- Dealing with Difficult People
- How to say No
- Behavioural flexibility and personal style
Whatever you want or need to do – be it changing someone else’s view, stimulating them, challenging or provoking them, inspiring or motivating them, personal impact training will develop the full range of your personality to achieve your goals.
Personal Impact, Presence and Influence – Making the most of what you’ve got
You’ve already got it all! Personal impact is about being yourself with more skill.
The ability to harness your own personality to affect a group can make a huge impact in the workplace. A tiny change can make a big difference in terms of the way people read you.
How to walk into a meeting, conference or event, listen, answer and field questions are part of how to make an impact. People get a very good idea of how you’re feeling and who you are from how you look and behave and varying your tone of voice can really change the impression you make on others.
The objectives of a personal impact coaching session or training workshop are to ensure you:
- Create a positive impact and impression with clients and colleagues
- Build rapport and communicate effectively with others
- Feel comfortable saying what you want, even in difficult or challenging situations
- Assert your views with increased confidence and make an impact on others
- Raise your profile and make the most of the career opportunities available to you
- Practise powerful influencing techniques and get buy-in to your ideas
- Know how you come across to others and be able to adapt where needed
- Create impact in meetings, one-to-one situations and when you don’t have much to say
Call us on +44 (0) 20 3393 5207 or click here to get in touch.
First impressions do count.