Business Coach, Facilitator and Training Consultant
Capucine Destailleurs is a senior consultant working as a business coach, facilitator and a training consultant across Europe.
She is a member of the ICF.
She was born half Swiss half French and partly bred in England; she later held a master degree from l’ILERI a French school specializing in International relations and diplomacy.
Capucine is specialized in management focusing on skills and behavior and on intercultural issues covering management, communication, team building, negotiations and expatriation.
She delivers training and facilitation across Europe to Cies such as Toshiba, Swatch Group, Herald Tribune etc.
Capucine started her professional career in the financial industry where she spent 14 years working as a sales manager, later sales director in London and New York.
She later joined TradingScreen, a U.S software company dedicated to financial markets to launch their French office as European sales director covering Switzerland, France and Benelux.
Her keen interest in interpersonal relations made her move to executive recruitment at Robert Walters and later launching her own Cie LCC-Coaching.